Thursday, January 9, 2020

Summary Of Jacob Struggles With God - 1907 Words

Introduction: â€Å"Jacob Struggles with God† is a selection that came from the book of Genesis chapter 32. Genesis describes God’s creation of earth and his first interactions with human beings. Throughout the Bible, there are many instances and occasions where the almighty Lord God demonstrates his strength and power. In Genesis chapter 32, a strange man appeared before Jacob, who is the son of Isaac and Rebekah, and they wrestled until daybreak. In Genesis 25:23, when the Lord was talking to Rebekah he said, â€Å"Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples born of you shall be divided; the one shall be stronger than the other, the elder shall serve the younger.† The story of Jacob, the younger son, and the story of Esau, the older son is a†¦show more content†¦The timeline of genesis begins with God’s creation of earth and ends with the death of Joseph, who was the eleventh of Jacob’s twelve sons. Although it is not possible to date the creation o f earth, it is possible to determine the dates of events in Genesis. The birth of Abraham was approximately in 2166 B.C and the death of Joseph was approximately 1806 B.C. The book was originally written in Hebrew, and its Hebrew name was Bereshith, which means â€Å"The Beginning†. Eventually it was translated from Hebrew to Greek in approximately 250 B.C. One of the purposes of writing Genesis was to trace major historical events from the beginning of time. Many different writers wrote parts of Genesis, but Moses, the messenger of the Lord, received credit for putting it together. Genesis 5:8 states, â€Å"So all the days of Seth were nine hundred and twelve years, and he died.† It is a mystery to me why not only Seth, but Enosh, Kenan, Noah, and many others lived very long lifespans. After the first flood, people’s lifespans decreased dramatically and the Genesis time period became a period of survival. Abraham died of old age at one hundred seventy-five years. As the story of Genesis progressed, people’s lives became more difficult. They were not technologically or medically advanced. The life span of an average person became pretty small and people fought for survival every day. They fought each other for land and for power. Men worked

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